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Today we are announcing the release of our 2nd gamemode lifesteal, as many of you have been waiting on this big release. we have been working on this for the past 4 months none stop to get all of this ready for you we are still open to suggestions to imporove and add more so please do make a suggestion. Lifesteal has been an extremly custom made with counts less hours been put into it developing custom plugins for this server only.

So what do we have?
- Quests offering cash as reward
- Sell wands & Sell Chests
- Stackable Drops and Spawners
- Custom Mob Droptables
- Custom mcMMO Classes
- Daily Rewards
- Levels
- Skills & mcMMO
- KOTH (King of the Hill)
- And more!

Sell Wands and Sell Chests

I know there is nothing worse than having to take out all of the loot from your chest
to sell it over and over again, that is why we've introduced Sell wands and Sell chests.

Sell wands are sticks that when used on a chest will sell every item inside that can be
sold to /shop for the...
Today we are announcing the release of our brand new lobby.
We have been working on this on the side for the past couple of weeks.

Along with this release, we will be expanding into a network this will increase our player capacity dramaticly. We also have some very exciting news regarding new gamemodes coming out in the next few days so make sure you keep a watch out.

We hope all of you guys enjoy! This has probably been one of our biggest announcement in a long time. If you have any ideas on what more we should add, let us know!

Special thanks to the Management team for helping out and testing all of our many bugs.

sav ❤
Hello fellow Players of AphelionMC,

Do you like helping out other players out? Then why not apply to be part of the AphelionMC Staff Team allowing yourself to be the best you can possiblty be and rise to your full potential!

Then now is your chance! Apply now in the forum and be part of a great team!

Apply here: https:/aphelionmc.net/staff-applications/

We are looking forward to your application!
Nice to see you here!

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STORE: AphelionMC | Welcome
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Take care!

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